Saturday, November 21, 2009

Zhu Zhu for you?

Who's hiding these things?  What makes every kid want one? Where are the weary parents going to find them? When will these be in the stores?  Why? Why?

According to an article today in the NY Times the Zhu Zhu Pets are the season's hottest toy?  Really?  I'm glad to see that the Times is right up to speed with that.  I have never, ever seen one of the rodents on  a store shelf.  I can tell you this, they advertise the beans out of them on TV.  My kid has been asking for one since the Summer.  I'm tired of the ads playing for something that "real" parents can't get.  Unless your willing to buy it from a fleabay seller for a 500% markup.

I really think that parents are going crazy for these, since they don't want yet one other thing to feed, wash and change.  How many other Mom's were immediately asked for a hamster after their darlings saw G-Force this summer?

At this rate, I think the pet stores are going to be selling a boat load of live hamsters this year.  Me?  Um, no.  I'll take the one with the on/off switch.  ;)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Like I needed another excuse to shop at Gymboree!

  1. overwhelming cuteness
  2. clothes that actually fit my kid
  3. gymbucks!
  4. now - rewards too
Gymboree has announced a new rewards program.  They are offering 100 bonus points to sign up now (limited time offer).  They give you one point for each dollar spent.  You receive a $5.00 certificate after reaching 250 points.  Hey, in this economy, every five bucks counts!  You even accumulate points for Gymboree outlet purchases.

Visit here to sign up.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Make Bisquick Biscuits - wikiHow

Make Bisquick Biscuits - wikiHow

Made these this morning, cutting in the butter with a pastry blender is key. A little messy on a humid morning, but well worth the oven being on. Yummy!

Friday, July 10, 2009

You can't make this stuff up!!!

From the truth is stranger than fiction file. This has all the key elements:
  • nudity
  • inmates
  • car crashes
  • mental patient
  • a curious plot

I hope the poor woman recovers. I want to know who put her in the cab to begin with.

Woman struck by bus after fleeing cab

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Hmmm, maybe he should have said thanks?

This news article touched me today. I guess that the Mister should have just eaten his burned/raw food and said thanks? Maybe she shouldn't have been polluted making the daily bread? I do hope that the Mister is more grateful the next time someone cooks a meal for him. Maybe then he won't get a telephone upside his head. Lucky it wasn't the frying pan.

I really can't decide whether I should laugh or cry. What say you? Springer-esque trainwreck, say I.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hey Mikey - He Likes It!

That's all I could think of. That ages old Life cereal commercial.

The royal subject is also known as he who eats almost nothing that grows in the ground. Well, tonight there was a miracle. He ate raw broccoli dipped in Russian dressing with dinner. Real, honest to goodness, straight from the market broccoli. Whee! A vegetable is consumed.

What could top off that bunch of raw broccoli, you may ask?

His father thought that baked beans might be the answer. The royal subject ate those too.

I think he's going to be jet propelled......

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Feelin' the TJ's Love

Trader Joe's. How I love thee. You and your rice pasta and cheese. You proved so good that the royal subject did not revolt and splatter mac and cheese on the walls.

I'm soooo happy not to have had a reenactment of the college method of testing pasta doneness. You know, throw it at the wall and if it sticks it is done?

I don't need no stinkin' shower!

Mother: C'mon buddy it's time to get in the shower.

Son: I wish there was no such thing as showers.

Mother: You have to have a shower. You don't want the kids at school tomorrow pointing at you and saying you stink.

Son: It's O.K., some of the kids at school can't smell.

Mother: What? Don't they have noses?

Son: They do, it's just that some of them are full of boogies. So, it would be O.K. if I skip, they wouldn't smell me.

Welcome to my world. I have discovered that you an argument with a five year old.